Pretty Explosively Pink @ MataExpo

Monday, February 09, 2015

FOTD that somehow reminds me of lollipops and bubble gum. Check out my MataExpo OOTD.

Pink and Blue is a classic combination. I've started collecting a lot of Pink and Teal things. It's my favorite color combination as of late. I always like my colors in pairs. Everything is pink but the funny thing is I only started liking it recently. 

Dear Color Pink,

I grew up not liking girly colors since all my neighborhood playmates as a child were boys. I never really saw myself to wear kawaii things specially when I was in gradeschool. Sad to say, I used to think I was unattractive and too boyish to be considered cute so I always wore baggy everything. As I went to highschool I started dressing up more but mostly in black (It's slimming!). Things changed a lot when I got to College and was granted the freedom and confidence to express myself. It started with Black  + Pink, and now Pink + Teal. Now I'm thankful for liking you color pink. I've stepped out of the darkness (my closet is a blackhole). You make me blush quite literally!

Thank you for bringing color  to my world,

Special thanks to Eye Candy Shop for the Blythe Eye Pink Lenses.
I won't talk much about the face prep. I'll probably put my event makeup regimen in an entirely separate post. Like in a basics 101 thing  Here's what I'm wearing on my eyes:

Eyeshadow Primer: Urban Decay Primer Potion
Eyeshadow: Sleek Cosmetics Oh So Special + PPQ Palette
Eyeliner: Sailormoon Moonlght Romance Liquid Liner Brown
Tightline: Etude House Play 101 Pencil in # 49

Highlighter: Etude House Chocolate Highlighter

Upper Falsies: Dolly Wink 02 (Sweet Girly)
Lower Falsies: Dolly Wink 12 (Feminine Girl)

My advice, for the fashionably loverlorn or the people who feel scared to try cause it might not look  good. There's always a way to wear what you want and make it work on you. It's all about the styling to suit you. Even if other people say it's opposite of your personality if it makes you feel good then just go do it.

xoxo NyanKat

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KiraKiraKat is a blog written by Kat Langomez. All material on this site is written with the aim to provide readers with my honest personal opinions and to chronicle the events in my life. I only write my honest opinions on any products and services features in my blog.

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